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200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

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​  For us, yoga is a practice that we love to participate in, we love yoga because it is a personal journey into the self, connecting mind, body and soul and the benefits of it have manifested in every area of our lives . Yoga makes us feel good, radiant, healthy, inside, and out. We have discovered the real value of yoga is in the knowledge that is gained through practice and the sharing of this knowledge with others, it moves us from being practitioners to being leaders and teachers.


  No matter what your reasons for taking Yoga Teacher Training, there is a place for you on this path. Our 200 Hour Teacher Training is a comprehensive training program designed for aspiring teachers and for all who wish to transform their practice and deepen their knowledge of yoga. You can expect to get up close and personal with your mind, body, and soul, with the teachings of yoga and with each other. We will provide you with a solid foundation, supporting you, encouraging you and helping you to grow strong. 


   We have designed our course to train you in a balanced way about yoga history, philosophy, practice, teaching techniques and so much more. Each day you will deepen your understanding of the physical, psychological, physiological, and philosophical knowledge of yoga. You will learn about the history of yoga, with its roots planted firmly in the east, growing strong and branching up and out touching the lives of people all over the world. Our intention is to help you to develop a keen ability to assess your student’s needs and develop purposeful sequences that offer multiple options for asana safety and accessibility.  We will prepare you fully to teach yoga anywhere in the world.


  Your training will place an emphasis on practicing asana and understanding the logical placing of each asana in a sequence, maximizing the benefit of each asana and ultimately providing a balanced practice that prepares the mind and body for meditation. You will be introduced to and encouraged to practice living a healthy yoga lifestyle. Once you have successfully completed the training, you will be eligible to apply for your 200 hr Yoga Alliance Certificate at


This is the beginning of your journey and we hope to provide you with quality instruction that exceeds your expectations and inspires you to continue to learn, change and grow.

Jackie Montgomery, Lead Instructor and Trainer

Doing What I Love - In some way I feel I have always known I would practice and teach something related to movement, focus and dedication. From the time I was a child, with no money for extra curricular activities or awareness of yoga, I had a strong desire to move my body and to challenge myself to learn gymnastics.  I climbed the walls in our basement, using props and teaching myself to be a gymnast. With little formal training, I became a competitor and later a coach for the Peace River Gymnastics Club. I also  served as a judge at the Alberta Winter Games in 1979.  While studying Education at the University of Alberta, I fell in love with the practice of yoga; taking classes and workshops in and around Edmonton. I credit my beloved teachers here in Edmonton: Freidel Khattab, Charlotte Smith, Gherda Krebbs and Ken Strachan for planting the seeds of passion and devotion and who shone their yoga lights during a time when yoga was not mainstream as it is today.  Ask me sometime about the first Hot, Power Yoga Class Held in Edmonton, you will be surprised!


I have been practicing Asana since 1991 supplemented  by formal, daily meditation practice since 2003.   It is through my own challenges that I have learned and grown the most, using yoga as a tool to heal (in just 6 months) while facing amputation of my left arm and paralysis of my left side in 2003.  I know what it's like to start from a place of limitation and impossibility and through regular practice, focus and determination, move beyond those limitations.

I have been teaching Vinyasa Flow, Hatha Style, Yin and Restorative Yoga Classes since 2009 and offering workshops in yoga Asana and Meditation quarterly.  I have been deeply influenced by my students and the love and grace of Swami Krupananda, the impeccable teachings of Catherine Munro, the excellence of Dr. Jitender Das and the compassion of Sara Cuevo as well as the eclectic mix of local and international teachers who have taught classes and countless workshops.  This is what I know and love and I am thrilled to offer the gift of yoga to you!


Completed Yoga Teacher Certifications from:

Yoga Works, 200 Hour Certification, 2009

International Patanjali Institute, Rishkesh India, 100 Hour Certification, Ayurvedic Medicine and Yoga Therapy. 2017

Higher Love Academy, 200 Hour Certification 2018


 The practice of yoga can move you beyond limitations it is a journey that will take you to places that you never thought possible  

Techniques, Training and Practice – 100 hours: What do you get when you combine analytical training on how to practice and teach yoga: asana, pranayama, chanting/mantra, kriyas, mudras and meditation with the applied experience of practicing these techniques? A perfect balance of Technique, Training and Practice. Minimum 100 Hours– 12.5 Hours per week x 8 weeks= 100 Hours Total This is the toolkit that helps you to deepen your knowledge, cultivate your experience and master your yoga practice.


Professional Essentials/Teaching Methodology/Practicum – 50 Hours

Communication skills such as group dynamics, time management, and the establishment of priorities and boundaries

How to address the specific needs of individuals and special populations, to the degree possible in a group setting

Principles of demonstration, observation, assisting and correcting.

Teaching styles

Qualities of a teacher

The student learning process

Business aspects of teaching yoga (including marketing and legal)

So much more!


Practicum 10 Hours: This is where you develop your confidence through practice teaching. You'll sharpen your feedback skills: giving and receiving in a confident, professional and respectful way. You will be encouraged to practice teaching at home, with your friends and family; when the course is done, you will teach a 1-hour class!


Anatomy & Physiology – 20 hours Learn about the physical and subtle bodies and how they affect and relate to yoga practice. Cultivate a deep appreciation for structural differences and how to assist different body types with different needs and injuries to make yoga safe and accessible for all. Topics in this category could include but not limited to human physical anatomy and physiology (bodily systems, organs, etc.) and may also include energy anatomy and physiology (chakras, nadis, etc.). Includes both the study of anatomy and physiology along with its application to yoga practice (benefits, contraindications, healthy movement patterns, etc.)


Yoga Humanities/Yoga Philosophy/Ethics/Lifestyle – 30 hours

The study of yoga philosophies and traditional texts (such as the Yoga Sutras, Hatha Yoga Pradipika or Bhagavad Gita)

Yoga lifestyle, such as the precept of non-violence (ahimsa), and the concepts of dharma and karma

Ethics for yoga teachers, such as those involving teacher – student relationships and community

Understanding the value of teaching yoga as a service and being of service to others (seva). Study and develop a healthy appreciation and respect for the history of yoga in the east and the far-reaching contribution it has made in the west, Learn about yoga philosophy and lifestyle. This is where you study and begin to understand yogic knowledge, connecting your mind with your heart as you learn walk your talk. Get on your path; let your strongest message be in the way you live your yoga!


Electives – 15 Hours - TBD

Contact Us for YTT Training


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